Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Winning Testimony from Michigan

Two of the winning entries in our contest came from Michigan. This one was sent in by Kari Ash, of the South Central chapter. We were so excited to see what God has done with one TCE student named Julie Pelmear. Here's her story as told by Kari:

Mid-way through our Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 Course in the fall of 1995, a young woman came to me with tears in her eyes. I’ll never forget what she said, “I just realized I’ve been teaching many Bible stories to children without sharing the truths of the gospel…. I just pray that God will forgive me and give me more opportunities to serve Him!” God answered Julie’s prayer with a resounding, “YES!”

Since that time, God has multiplied her ministry one thousand fold! Julie has taught multiple Good News Clubs each year, in addition to helping with 5-Day Clubs, party clubs, and in the CEF county fair ministry! She continued on with her training, attending TCE Level 2 and then an Instructor of Teachers Course in 1997!

Since that time, she has instructed in 14 TCE Level 1 Courses in the South Central Michigan chapter, as well as in several courses in two neighboring chapters! Imagine the impact of not only teaching thousands of children, but training hundreds of teachers! Julie has been a tremendous blessing to me personally and to our local work! God has graciously provided many, many opportunites for Julie Pelmear to continue to serve Him! Praise Him!

Don't you wish you had a whole bunch of Julie's in your area? Just goes to show what a great impact one TCE student can have on a CEF chapter! Of course, it also shows the fruit that can come from a dedicated IOT like Kari!

We congratulate Julie and Kari, and we hope they enjoy those colorful soccer balls coming their way!
May God continue to use both of these ladies to bless and grow the ministry to the children and teachers of Michigan's South Central chapter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In addition to the work Julie does for CEF, she has been a tremendous blessing to her local church. With her husband, she leads our Sunday evening kids activities and has a tremendous impact on our AWANA Club program as a Sparks Director. She is also responsible for the Bible Story Center during our VBS and has a very specific gift for sharing God's word. Many, many children have come to know Christ through her and she is a treasure. Thank you, God, for leading Julie to us!