Friday, May 18, 2007

Winning Testimony from Michigan

We've been inspired reading the testimonies sent in by those who entered our blog contest.

Our first testimony comes from Karen Rumley, CEF of Muskegon, MI, and her TCE student, Hazel Priest. As you read about Hazel, praise God with us for this wonderful--and busy--lady!

"Hazel Priest has taught children for many years, including Sunday School, AWANA classes, Christian school chapels, and almost any other class you can think of! However, it was not until 2002 that Hazel attended Teaching Children Effectively Level 1. That spring, she learned how to link the gospel into any Bible lesson and how to present it in a language that even children can understand. Hazel says that TCE 1 changed her life. Before TCE, she was afraid to give an invitation. But, once she learned how, God took over, and it just happens. After receiving this training, Hazel asked the Lord for another 20 years to use it!

The first time she taught AWANA after learning how to present the gospel and give an invitation, she realized that she would need to warn the other AWANA staff about what God was going to do. She knew they needed to know how to talk with the children that responded…so she held her own miniature instructional course for the other AWANA workers on how to help a child receive Christ, based on Scripture. When she began teaching, using the new methods, 22 children chose to accept Christ as Savior!

She also began a ministry teaching Good News Clubs in the local public schools. Hazel has taught multiple school clubs, chapel services, and anywhere else the Lord led her since taking TCE. One memorable school Good News Club had 53 children enrolled, and 17 of them accepted Christ during that season of club!

Since seeing what God could do through her, Hazel wanted others to see God at work in the lives of children. She committed to taking the training necessary to serve as an instructor for Teaching Children Effectively Level 1. Since taking the training, Hazel has overcome health challenges to teach two other classes of children’s workers how to share the gospel with children. The blessing of seeing children come to know the Lord is worth every bit of effort in preparing the lessons and teaching effectively."

Way to go, Hazel! May God continue to bless and use you to reach those kids in Muskegon! And way to go, Karen! Keep up the good work in training such great people in your area! Both Karen and Hazel have a Ball of Many Colors coming their way shortly! Stay tuned to the Cafe for more testimonies to come!

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