Monday, October 27, 2008

America's Unprepared Children

The following is from a survey the Barna Group did regarding children in America. Excerpts could be used to illustrate Level 1 classes such as Importance of Conversion, Importance of Reaching the Child in the Neighborhood or Importance of the Teacher. It could also illustrate Level 2 classes such as Basic Needs of the Child, Christian Conduct or The Ministry of Teaching. Although the research is focused on American children, connections could undoubtedly be made to children of other countries.

According to a survey from The Barna Group ( America's children are not being adequately prepared for life. Based on interviews with more than 1000 adults nationwide, the survey discovered that less than one out of every five adults believes that children under the age of 13 are being “superbly” or “pretty well” prepared for life emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually or morally. Fewer than one out of every twenty adults believe that America’s youngsters are receiving above average preparation in all five of those areas of life.

Adults were asked to evaluate how well children under the age of 13 are being prepared for life in each of five dimensions. Using a scale that ranged from “superbly” to “poorly,” half or more of all adults contended that children are “not being prepared well enough” or are “poorly prepared” for the life that awaits them.

The lowest ratings were reserved for the moral and spiritual preparation of children. Only 8% of adults said kids get better-than-adequate preparation in the spiritual realm, while more than 7-out-of-10 adults (71%) said children get inadequate spiritual training. Similarly, three-fourths said youngsters get inadequate moral preparation. The survey results were generally the same across gender, racial, political and age lines, and even across those with and those without children.

A companion study showed that most parents of children under 13 claim that they are responsible for the moral, spiritual, intellectual and emotional maturation of their offspring. However, the study also showed most parents lack defined standards for evaluating their child’s preparation, spend surprisingly little time engaged in developmental activities with their children, and generally assume that the brunt of the responsibility for facilitating life skills and perspectives lies on the shoulders of schools, churches and community organizations.

Combined with the increasingly busy schedules of adults, the outcome is a culture in which nobody is responsible and nearly everybody is dissatisfied with the results.

This study is yet another reminder of the importance of training people to reach children with the Gospel and disciple them in God’s Word. Through our Good News Club ministry, we have opportunity to help children develop a relationship with God that will result in the kind of character and moral direction that is lacking yet essential for life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We Are Excited!

The waiting is finally over! CMI Online is excited to announce that registration for taking Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 online will be open November 15-30!

As many of you know, the launch of this course online has been a long time in the making. Our teaching staff put many long hours into the writing and taping of each class session to meet the unique challenges of presenting material through this medium.

Our online staff has been through many trials and tribulations, doing battle with technology and our spiritual enemy to deliver this course with excellence. We give God the glory and honor for what He has done!

Who Should Take TCE Level 1 Online?
1. CEF staff in your area who need to complete certain courses that are a part of the Children's Ministries Institute Diploma Program while remaining involved in local ministry .

2. People in your church or local area who want to attend TCE, but whose schedule hinders them from attending your courses.

3. After-school Good News Club teachers who need more in-depth training and are unable to participate in a local course..

How Do Students Enroll in the TCE Course Online?
Students desiring to enroll in TCE Level 1 must apply to CMI, then register for the course:

1. Apply - Go to and click on “Apply Now”. Read and follow the instructions carefully. The admissions process usually takes three to four weeks and must be completed before a student can register for courses.

2. Register - Once a student has received notification of acceptance to CMI by the academic committee, he or she can register for online classes by going to Remember, registration for TCE Level 1 is November 15-30.

How Will This Affect Your TCE Courses?
We know that some instructors are concerned that TCE courses online will draw students away from their local courses. We are not in competition with you! In fact, students who register for the TCE training online from your area will be directed to you as a credentialed instructor who can possibly proctor them in their practicums. In this way, you may be able to connect with new potential workers for your area, and will be able to inform them of further training and ministry opportunities.

There are, however, thousands of people around the world who do not have access to TCE courses where they live, or who are unable to take those courses due to scheduling conflicts. Those are the students we hope to reach with the online training. We will do our best to promote your local TCE courses. We trust you will also do your best to send people you cannot train to CMI Online. Let’s work together, as ministry partners, training as many people as possible to reach children for Christ wherever they are.