Monday, December 15, 2008

Telling the Christmas Story

As Christmas draws near, many of your teachers will be teaching the Christmas story in their clubs. In America, we often take for granted that the children are familiar with this story. But the truth is that many are not.

Emily Ramsdell, IOT in Syracuse, NY, sent the following testimony from one of her teachers who works in an after-school GNC. Here is what this teacher, Ann Elyse Foltz, had to say,

Hi Emily! Thanks for praying for us! Our Good News Club was crazy today!!!!! But I love those kids so much. I was absolutely shocked that so many of them had NO IDEA what Christmas was all about! I absolutely couldn't believe it. Is our society that completely Godless that these kids have no idea that Christmas is about the birth of His Son? I am in absolute and total shock. This is small-town, rural America. I feel such a huge responsibility for training these kids- most of them don't go to church, so Good News Club is probably the ONLY Biblical input they are getting at all.

The missionary story especially hit me hard today- we're reading "Rebekah's Great Adventure" about a girl who worked with 5-Day Clubs. She led a little girl from Moldova to the Lord, and the little girl said, "I've never known that anybody loved me my whole life. Why are you the first person to tell me how much God loves me? Why didn't anyone tell me that before?" That just makes me cry- how many other precious little ones are there out there who have no idea how much their Father loves them. I want to reach them all! My heart breaks for them.

Ann Elyse Foltz
South Jefferson - Wilson Elem.

What a precious testimony! We pray that many children will hear the Christmas story this year and understand how much the Father loves them! Wherever you are in the world, there are children who have never heard the story of the Savior's birth. Encourage your teachers to tell that story as many times as they can during this special season of the year!

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