Monday, March 17, 2008

Are You a 212° IOT?

What does it take to impact the lives of your teachers? What does it take to make your TCE class session dynamic? What does it take to keep plugging away at those TCE courses? It takes a 212° instructor of teachers!

Mac Anderson, businessman and founder of the company, Successories, has a Web site called On his site, he take the quotes and other inspirationsl writings that are the basis for his motivational products and puts them into gift books and short video clips. These are mainly for the business world—but many of them have good application for ministries like ours.

Not long ago, Mac Anderson and Sam Parker wrote a gift book titled, 212° …The Extra Degree. The principle explored in this book is as follows (from

At 211 degrees...water is hot.
At 212 boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
And, it’s that one extra degree that...Makes all the difference.

The authors go on to say that one extra degree of effort can make all the difference in our livess as well.

We would undoubtedly agree that the Lord Jesus was a 212° person. He gave His all in every area of His ministry. He gave 212° to His relationship with His disciples; He gave 212° of his time and energy in caring for those in need; He gave 212° to His redemptive work on our behalf.

So, how does this apply to us—His servants? Maybe some of us have been satisfied to give 211°. But one degree short of the boiling point is just tepid water! It accomplishes little. As Mac says, that one extra degree of effort separates the good from the great!

What difference would one extra degree of effort make in your ministry as an IOT? Think of applying one extra degree of service to your students; one extra degree of preparation to your lesson plans; one extra degree of enthusiasm to your teaching; one extra degree of follow-up to your TCE courses.

God tells us in Colossians 3:23-24, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ.” God deserves—and expects—212° from us.

What is your ministry temperature today? Need a little more inspiration? Go to and watch the short video clip. Then go back to those TCE courses and be a 212° instructor of teachers!

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