Monday, February 4, 2008

Wonder Time

Were you carefully discipled when you came to know Christ as your Savior? So many Christians were not. Many testify that they came to know Christ, but then floundered in their faith for several years until someone began to teach them how to grow in significant ways. For some, it was many years before anyone told them how to have an effective quiet time with God. Consequently, many Christen adults do not make daily time with God a priority in their lives.

We trust, as you are teaching TCE classes, you are helping your students know how to use the devotional books in club and how to have an effective Wonder Time. Brief information on Wonder Time has been included in the TCE manual in the class on the GNC Program, but you may want to give more detailed helps.

The CEF download site has a full seminar on Wonder Time, including student and instructor notes and PowerPoint visuals. We encourage you to get these materials and make that training available to your students. The clubs that are having the most success with children consistently doing their devotional books are ones who make time in club for an effective Wonder Time every week.

We frequently receive testimonies of how children’s lives are being changed by their daily quiet time with God. The picture above was sent in by a proud mom who sent the following testimony:

"I went in to check on the kids before I went to bed. Jordan, age seven, was reading her Bible and doing her daily devotion. I told her to finish it up and go to sleep. She said OK … check out what I captured with my camera. Have you ever seen such a sight? My sweet Jordie got caught with her Bible open! She got her 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book Friday at the Good News Club after school program and she has been doing it everyday. She even worked ahead and is on day 8 now."

Just last week we received another testimony from a GNC teacher of how God used a particular devotional in one clubber’s life:

Logan, age seven, gave his life to the Lord last month on Jan 15th, his dad’s birthday. Logan's Dad said, "Those little devotional books that Logan receives are great, and it was at the end of his current Wonder Time that he responded to the devotional titled, How Can I Be Ready for Jesus' Return?" Logan’s parents had the joy of leading him to the Lord! Logan had been coming back (for counseling) during the invitation at club, and was very close to a decision the last time he responded, asking more intense questions. What a birthday present for his Dad. How awesome, not only is he his daddy's son, on his spiritual birthday he became his daddy's little brother too!'

You just never know how God is going to speak to a child during his quiet time. Share testimonies like these with your teachers to inspire them to emphasize the devotional books in their clubs.

Wonder Time is being done in many GNCs around the world! Pictured here are children in clubs in Poland and South Africa with their devotional books.

Challenge your teachers to make sure they are having their own daily quiet time with God. They may even want to use the same Wonder Devotional Books their clubbers are using. If daily time with God is not important to them, they won’t make it important to the children!

Remind your teachers that, through Wonder Time, they have the opportunity to help children develop a lifelong habit that could have far-reaching implications.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One struggle we have with the WonderTime in GNC is that the children work at different paces. Even though we stress the fact that they do one page a day, some still go ahead. How then can you use the scripts in club effectively? We also struggle with having enough people to check and keep up where each child is at. WE do have more children using the devotion books than ever before, but they are all at different places. It would be nice to be able to implement your nice little plan for wondertime, but in most cases, it just doesn't work that way, and our teachers have gotten discouraged with the whole program. I attended the workshop at a conference, I received the session and powerpoint and presented in our ttc at least twice, but we are seeing very little progress.