Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An Instructor's Influence

A while back, we received a wonderful testimony from CEF instructor Alice Smith in Corpus Christi, Texas. Alice (who has served with CEF 51 years!) wrote to tell us about an amazing lady named Mary Gates and her daughter Mary Fayne. We thought you'd enjoy reading this testimony.

Alice writes:

I had another call today from Mary Gates, 91 years old, asking for more Wonder Books and devotional books. Those calls come about every two weeks, and I usually send her from 4 to 6 Wonder Books, which at the first opportunity, she passes on to the mom's and children who need Jesus. She knows the mothers will read the books to the children, and will hear about Jesus too.

Recently, she told me the story of her daughter, Mary Fayne, and how she came to Jesus. I was so touched by the story, that I asked her to write down the information for me. For those who might be interested in CEF history from way back, the Navy couple she mentions in the article are Lowell and Betty Eason. Betty Eason was the daughter of Shirley Wisner (a long-time CEF instructor of teachers). The saddest part is that Mary Fayne is now very ill with Alzheimer's. Her 91 year old Mom, who is incredibly sharp, always tears up as she tells that.

CEF has a rich history in Corpus Christi and we want to make it available for folks to enjoy, especially as we celebrate together the 70th anniversary of CEF.

Not Too Young!! by Mary Gates

In 1945, my neighbor and I went to a CEF teacher training class in Corpus Christi, Texas. We took along my 4 year, 8 month old daughter, and her 6 year old nephew. The teacher was a young Navy wife, whose husband was with her that day.

She presented the message of salvation so well, that when the invitation was given, two little hands went up! She took the little boy aside and her husband took my daughter, Mary Fayne, over by an open window, which had no screen on it. He took her on his knees, reviewing the plan of salvation. She told me later she knew if she had fallen out of that window, she wouldn't have been ready to meet God! She prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior that night.

The next Sunday, as I went to my Sunday-school class, I told the pastor that Mary Fayne wanted to talk with him. He was a tall man, so when he saw her coming, he knelt down so he could understand her. Later, when she was baptized, the pastor told the congregation, "If you don't think she knows what she is doing, just come up and ask her questions."

Mary Fayne was a witness to the children in our neighborhood. She would bring little friends home and ask me to tell them about Jesus. One day a little boy knocked on my door. He said, "Mrs. Gates, will you tell me about Jesus? I want a clean white heart like Mary Fayne has."

She witnessed in grade school and high school and encouraged her friends to memorize Bible verses. Many of them joined her in Bible Memory Association, an organization that rewarded people of all ages for memorizing Scripture.

Mary Fayne taught first grade for 21 years in Bryan, Texas, mostly at Allen Academy Christian School. She always prayed in the classroom and encouraged the children to pray. She later said, "I am thankful for a loving God who loves little children, and for a pastor who understood a little child's heart."

I'm sure there will be many in heaven whose lives were touched by her loving, caring ways! And it all began at a CEF teacher training class!

Isn't that a powerful testimony of the long-term influence an instructor of teachers can have? As you teach those TCE courses, remember God may be working in ways you can't see. Generations from now, someone may testify that their fruitful life and ministry began in YOUR TCE class! What a legacy to leave behind!

If you have a testimony of a teacher or child touched through your training ministry, e-mail it to Lynda.Pongracz@cefonline.com. Include a picture if possible. We'd love to feature your testimony here in the Cafe! It might be just the encouragment some other IOT out there needs.

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