Do changes make you feel disgruntled? As we go into a new year we always wonder what new changes will occur in our personal lives and in our work. Some of us do not like changes, some welcome them as challenges. Changes can be positive and exciting if you let them.
We have made a few new procedural changes in the department of education. There is a change for registering TCE courses. We have a new form—TCE Course Registration. There is one for both Levels 1 and 2. This form is to be filled out at least one week prior to the start of your TCE course and sent to the department of education either by email, fax or U.S. mail. A second change is that along with the Course Registration Form you will need to send your TCE Course Schedule.
Where do you get the Course Registration Forms? We have already emailed the form to a few people we knew were getting ready to hold a TCE Course. So you may have already received one from Cheryl Oetting or from someone in your state whom Cheryl has sent one to. If you have not received one, then email or call Cheryl and let her know that you need one. Her email address is and the phone number is 636-456-4321 ext. 291. She can email the form to you and you can then save it to your computer. You will be able to fill out the form on your computer and email it back to her as an attachment when you have a course to register. Or you can print it out and fax it or mail it.
Then right after your course has begun, be sure to mail in the Student Registration Forms as you have always done.
What changes have there been in your life in the past year or two? Have you had a change of address, phone number or email address? Or maybe you have had a name change. What ever the change may be we need to know about it to keep our records up to date. Let Cheryl know of any of these changes.
As you know we renew the IOT credentials every three years. And yes, believe it or not, this is the year for renewal. We usually wait until summer to reissue everyone's at the same time. As you can imagine that is a huge job. So this year we plan to start early and do a few every week, hoping to have it all done by summer—another new change. This is a good reason to make sure Cheryl knows your present mailing address.
Education is a dynamic ministry. There are always changes and updates necessary to stay relevant. We appreciate your willingness to help us with these changes.
Please send me the forms and another quick note of procedures. We will do another TCE 2 this spring -- soon. Thanks!
You will recieve your forms today by email.
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