One of their resources is a book called, Be-Attitudes for Teachers, that contains 30 devotionals. They have given us special permission to reprint one of those devotionals here at the Café. This special permission was granted to us for this one-time printing. Please do not copy this article for other use. You can visit their Web site to see all they have to offer.
We wanted to share this article with you to continue inspiring you to be creative in teaching your TCE courses—and other training as well. So read and enjoy—then go visit the Ministry Tools Resource Center!
Be-Attitudes for Teachers
“Who ... me? Be creative?”
Yes, everyone has the potential to be creative! That bold assertion can be made because in Genesis 1:26-27 God said “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness . . .” Certainly that would include His creative quality.
When you were a preschooler you were imaginative. You could make play toys from almost anything. You may have even created imaginary friends. You were curious, investigative, inquisitive, filled with wonder and awe. You were very sensory-oriented.
But it wasn’t long before significant adults in your life would say “No. Don’t touch.” Even when what you were doing was not harmful or inappropriate, they may have halted your inquiry because they didn’t want to be bothered or inconvenienced.
You went to school and encountered teachers who would penalize you for taking initiative, for deviating from their expectations. Perhaps you heard your parents say something like --- "Why can’t you be like other children?"
On into adolescence you went and discovered a term called peer pressure. You wanted to be liked and accepted by your peers so you would dress, act, and talk like them.
Think about it: Is the problem that you have no creative ability or that your creativity has been stifled?
Perhaps you need to travel back to the days when you learned by touching, looking, listening, tasting, and smelling. Allow yourself to wonder, to question, to brainstorm, to expose yourself to new ideas. Get out of your rut and try something new. When you do, you will find the joy of discovery. Learning will take on a new dimension.
As a teacher, you must remember that your students learn best this way too. They also were made in the image of God and consequently have creative resources. Are you going to work within or against God’s design?
At the root of a teacher’s aptness toward creativity lies his/her philosophy or view of the teaching-learning process. How you believe people learn will determine how you will structure the learning experience.
The traditional, non-creative teacher believes people learn by sitting still, listening to what is being said, and acquiring facts. Consequently, this teacher will see his role as an authoritarian, a teller, and a fact-giver.
The more innovative, creative teacher, on the other hand, believes people learn by getting involved (doing), personally discovering truths, and understanding meanings behind facts. As a result, this teacher will structure lessons to include opportunity for interaction and participation. The teacher’s role will be that of a guide and motivator, stimulating students through the use of audiovisuals and meaningful activities to explore God’s Word and discover His truth. Learning becomes exciting, fun, relevant, and meaningful.
For the sake of your students, let go of those fears and be who God made you to be —a creative person.
© 2001 Ministry Tools Resource Center, Special permission has been granted to CEF only to copy this Be-Attitude onto our blog. This devotional is taken from the Ministry Tools Resource Center’s book, Be-Attitudes for Teachers.