Last time, we began a series on our CEF Culture points. Our desire is to examine each of the points and how they should impact our ministries as instructors of teachers.
This week, however, we are going to take a brief detour. We wanted to share the following testimony with you that came from one of our CMI Online students regarding her experience in taking the TCE Level 1 course online. We thought you'd be blessed by Eileen's words!
Just today I used material from Teaching Children Effectively Level l to get three adults – elders of their church! - to rethink their belief that young children cannot be saved.
Over bagels, cream cheese, coffee and prayer, all of us brought our Bibles to the table. I turned to specific pages of the TCE Level 1 manual, and then, God happened! The more I shared the Bible passages, the room became very quiet. The men and woman became thoughtful. All the time I shared in love God’s beautiful words from Matthew and Mark and John and Romans…
Did I change their thinking? They went away blessed and we will meet again.
So here is one terrific reason for taking Teaching Children Effectively Level 1. TCE 1 puts it all together – God’s precious Word - through his fabulous back-up team – CEF online administrator and her colleagues at World Headquarters! You will watch videos that amaze you with facts – facts that need to be explained and explored. Such as: What sin is and how a child, who does not hear the Good News, is not led to Christ. What that means for his or her life. What kids could avoid if they were given the Gospel and became believers when they were young.
You will learn from the great saints, from the founder of CEF to his own searching and questions as to could a child be saved? From Moody to Spurgeon – well, it is an awesome study.
So – don’t miss it! If you love the Lord and have a heart to serve kids, this is the best course ever. I have been a teacher for over 35 years and until I took this course, had never been able to explain salvation to one of my students – and then I used the Wordless Book - all taught in the class – and you can’t stop me now!
Have a great time, drink in God’s word and learn from his earthly missionaries why children can – and should – be evangelized.
Isn't that a great testimony! It might be something you could use in promoting your own TCE courses. Our thanks to online instructor, Carla Ratcliff, for sharing this testimony with us and for helping students like Eileen get excited about the ministry of reaching children for Christ!