The course information you send in will also be placed in the Teach Kids! Essentials publication every other month beginning with the August issue. (Check the side bar for deadline dates for sending in the information.)
Following is the information we need:
* Location of course (city, state)
* Course dates, Beginning—End (or beginning month or season)
* Name of the contact person
* Contact telephone number
Send the information to Cheryl Oetting at, or fax to 636-456-4435 or mail to CEF, Cheryl Oetting, PO Box 348, Warrenton MO 63383.
To view courses listed, go to the website, and the “Our Training” page should come up. Click on "Browse Programs of Study"; then click on Teaching Children Effectively (either Level 1 or Level 2). Click on the icon with the two people (like the icon pictured above).
Register your TCE course with the Department of Education at least one week in advance of its start by sending in the TCE Course Registration Form along with the course schedule. If you do not have a Course Registration Form email Cheryl Oetting for one. Email, fax or mail the completed form with the schedule to Cheryl.
We have about 16 different schedules for TCE Level 1 for your use. How do you get them? Ask Cheryl.
Send in all Student Registration Forms as soon as your course begins. Please do not wait until you send in Request for Certificates to send in the Registration Forms. All certificates—TCE Level 1, Level 2 and CEUs are $5.00 each.
We look forward to assisting you in promoting your TCE courses by listing them on our favorite Website!